Telephone: +34 962 117 117

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  1. General Terms and Conditions

These legal conditions regulate the contracting process on this website for which Tecno Prodist SL, hereinafter referred to as TECNOPRODIST.COM, is legally responsible.

The purchase of any of the products or services offered on this website implies acceptance of these legal terms and conditions, the legal notice and the privacy and cookies policy.

TECNOPRODIST.COM informs the user that the language chosen for the conclusion of this electronic contract is Spanish and that the storage of the same by a trusted third party is not foreseen, although TECNOPRODIST.COM does store a record of all orders placed by its customers. If you wish you can print or copy this screen to keep these legal conditions.

  1. Purchasing Process

To purchase any of the products or services offered on this website you must follow the established purchase process, taking into consideration the following aspects:

- Carefully read all available information about the product or service you wish to purchase.

- The prices indicated next to the product or service are prices in Euros without the corresponding taxes, before finalising the purchase process you can check the applicable taxes.

- Select the desired product

- Access the shopping cart where you can check the details of the products ordered, the selling price and the applicable taxes.

- You must then fill in the order form with your details and, if you wish, you can register as a user of the website.

- The shipping costs for your order will be displayed at the beginning of the checkout process.

- The following payment methods are available on this website: Paypal, debit or credit card, Bizum and bank transfer.

- The shipping costs for your order will be displayed at the beginning of the checkout process.

- Once you have completed your order, you will receive a confirmation message with your order details, if you do not receive this message please contact us.

- If you wish to make any kind of modification in the data introduced in the purchase process, TECNOPRODIST.COM puts at your disposal the email address and our customer service number (+34)962 117 117

  1. Delivery Times and Delivery Zones

Our usual delivery time is two to four working days and the areas where we deliver are: European Union, mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands.

  1. Products out of stock

TECNOPRODIST.COM has a maximum period of 30 days to serve the products that are not in stock, in the event that it is not possible to serve the chosen product, the customer may replace it with another or request a refund of the amount paid.

  1. Right of withdrawal

Time limit for exercising withdrawal: We do not want you to keep anything you do not like, so you can return an item if it does not meet your expectations, that is why customers residing in the European Union and have the quality of consumers, have the right to withdraw from their purchase within 14 calendar days from the day on which the consumer or a third party designated by him and other than the carrier receives the order, and without justification. 

In the event that the same order involves the separate delivery of multiple goods that have been delivered separately to you, the withdrawal period shall expire 14 calendar days after receipt of the last of those goods. 

If the order consisted of the purchase of a good made up of multiple components or parts, the withdrawal period shall expire after 14 calendar days from the day of receipt of the last part or component. 

Finally, if the customer contracted for the regular delivery of goods over a certain period of time, the withdrawal period shall expire 14 calendar days from the day of receipt of the first of those goods.

Exercise of the right of withdrawal by the consumer: The exercise of the right of withdrawal does not entail any costs or penalties for the consumer. 

In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, the customer must, before the end of the withdrawal period, notify us of his decision to withdraw from the contract by means of an unequivocal statement, which may be, for example, a letter sent by post or by email, addressed to the postal address or email address given in the legal notice published on our website, in which he must give us his name and surname, his full address, his telephone number, his postal address and the details of the goods or service from which he wishes to withdraw. 

If the customer prefers, he may use the model withdrawal form which can be found at the following address DOWNLOAD HERE  although their use is not mandatory.

Consequences of exercising the right of withdrawal: The exercise of the right of withdrawal extinguishes the obligations of the parties to perform the contract, so that, once communicated its decision to withdraw from the purchase made, the consumer must return to TECNOPRODIST.COM or a person authorised by this, the products that has withdrawn within a maximum period of 14 calendar days from the date on which it communicates to TECNOPRODIST.COM its decision to withdraw from the contract.

In the case of promotions in which several independent products or services are purchased as part of the same pack that has a unit price or gifts included for the purchase of a product or service, if the consumer exercises the right of withdrawal, this withdrawal will affect all the products included in the pack, so that in these cases the consumer must return all the products or services that are part of the pack (including gift products).

Any direct costs or expenses incurred as a result of returning the goods or products shall be borne by the customer. 

Likewise, when the goods, due to their nature, cannot normally be returned by post, the customer must pay the cost of returning the goods.

The customer must return the goods or products in good condition, without manipulation, defects or deterioration, and include their accessories, original packaging, documentation and the invoice or delivery note given to the customer. In this sense, the customer will not have to reimburse any amount for the decrease in value of the good that has occurred as a result of a use in accordance with the agreement or the nature of the product, although it will be responsible for the decrease in value of the product or products resulting from a manipulation of them other than that necessary to establish their nature, their characteristics or their operation.

The customer must return the product to the address C/ Praga, 11 Pol. Ind. Mas De Tous, 46185 - Pobla De Vallbona (Valencia)  

Obligations of TECNOPRODIST.COM: In the event of withdrawal by you, we will refund to you all payments received from you, including the initial delivery costs (with the exception of the additional costs resulting from your choice of a mode of delivery other than the least expensive mode of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 calendar days from the date on which we are informed of your decision to withdraw from this contract. 

In any case, we will proceed to make such reimbursement using the same means of payment used by you for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise. 

However, we inform you that, pursuant to the provisions of art. 107.3 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, we will withhold the amount of the return until we have received the goods subject to withdrawal, or until you send us sufficient proof that you have returned the goods to the address indicated above, depending on which condition is met first.

Likewise, in the event of withdrawal, and with regard to the consumer's personal data, TECNOPRODIST.COM shall comply with the obligations applicable under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, as well as Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights.

Inability of the consumer to return the good: In the event that, once the right of withdrawal has been exercised, the customer is unable to return the product or service purchased for reasons attributable to the customer, the customer shall be liable for the market value of the product or service at the time of exercising the right of withdrawal, unless this value is higher than the purchase price, in which case the customer shall pay the purchase price.

Exclusions or exceptions to the exercise of the right of withdrawal: TECNOPRODIST.COM informs the consumer that, in accordance with the provisions of art. 103 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, the Right of Withdrawal shall not apply in the following cases:

- The supply of goods made to customer specifications or clearly personalised. 

- The supply of goods that are likely to deteriorate or expire quickly.

- The supply of sealed goods which are not suitable for return for reasons of health protection or hygiene and which have been unsealed after delivery.

  1. Information on the Legal Guarantee of Conformity

All our products are guaranteed, at national and European Union level, by the legal guarantee of conformity regulated in Title IV ("Guarantees and after-sales services") of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, or regulations that may replace it in the future (hereinafter "Law on Consumers and Users"). In any event, the legal regime to be applied in these cases shall be that regulated in the aforementioned Title IV ("Guarantees and after-sales services") of the Law on Consumers and Users, or in any regulations that may replace it in the future.

Time limit for exercising the legal guarantee of conformity: The legal warranty period for products purchased by the customer on our website before 1 January 2022 is two years from delivery of the product. Likewise, the legal warranty period for products purchased on our website after 1 January 2022 is three years from delivery of the product, although it does not include or cover deficiencies caused by the customer or third parties caused by negligence, blows, incorrect use or improper handling, incorrect installation or repairs not carried out by authorised technical services, or materials that are worn out due to normal use.

Exercise of the legal guarantee of conformity: In the event that the good is not in accordance with the contract, it will be sufficient for the customer to inform us, contacting TECNOPRODIST.COM via email or telephone number that are published in the Legal Notice of our website, in which we will inform the customer the steps to follow to proceed with the repair or replacement of the defective or damaged good. 

In the absence of proof to the contrary, it shall be presumed that any lack of conformity which becomes apparent within two years of delivery of the good or within one year of supply of the digital content supplied in a single act or in a series of individual acts was already present when the good was delivered or the digital content was supplied, except where for goods this presumption is incompatible with their nature or the nature of the lack of conformity.

TECNOPRODIST.COM shall be liable to the consumer for any lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery of the goods.

In those cases that justify the application of the legal guarantee of conformity on the products purchased by the consumer-customer on our website, the customer may choose between the repair of the product, its replacement, the reduction or refund of the price and the termination of the contract; all in the terms legally established in Title IV ("Guarantees and after-sales services"), of the Law on Consumers and Users, or in any regulation that replaces it in the future.  

In any case, when the consumer-customer is entitled to the price reduction or termination of the contract, in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned Title IV of the Law of Consumers and Users, the refund of these amounts to the consumer-customer will be made by TECNOPRODIST.COM within 14 days from the date on which TECNOPRODIST.COM has been informed of the decision of the consumer-customer to claim their corresponding right. Without prejudice of the above, when the refund of the amounts paid by the consumer-client takes place as a consequence of the resolution of a contract of sale of goods, the period of 14 days that TECNOPRODIST.COM has to refund these amounts will start counting from the day in which TECNOPRODIST.COM has received the goods from the client, or from the moment in which the consumer-client delivers a proof to TECNOPRODIST.COM that he/she has returned the goods.

In any case, TECNOPRODIST.COM will refund the amounts indicated in this paragraph using the same means of payment used by the consumer-customer for the purchase of the good, unless another means of return has been agreed between the parties, and provided that this other means of payment does not involve an additional cost to the consumer-customer.

All the steps described in this clause shall be carried out within a reasonable period of time after the customer informs us of the non-conformity of the goods, and shall be free of charge for the customer, including the costs necessary to bring the goods into conformity, such as shipping, transport, labour or materials necessary for the repair or replacement of the products.

  1. Complaints Sheets

The customer is informed that TECNOPRODIST.COM has complaint and claim forms available to consumers or users who request them. 

In the event that the customer has the status of consumer in accordance with the provisions of current legislation on consumers and users, and wishes to submit a complaint or claim about the products marketed through our website, you can request to be sent a set of complaint and claim forms, in paper format or electronic format (pdf), through the email address or in person or by post, at the address of our facilities located in C/ Praga, 11 Pol. Ind. Mas De Tous, 46185 - Pobla De Vallbona (Valencia)  

Customers may also request information on the status of their complaint or claim by calling (+34) 962 117 117 117 and sending an e-mail to

Once we have received your complaint, we will send you an acknowledgement of receipt and we will examine and reply to it as soon as possible (affirmative or negative, as appropriate), and always within the legally established deadlines.

TECNOPRODIST.COM informs the client that it is not adhered to any entity of alternative resolution of consumer disputes or consumer arbitration system, nor is it obliged by any rule or code of conduct to participate in the procedure before a particular entity. Without prejudice to the foregoing, TECNOPRODIST.COM informs customers-consumers of its website that, in application of the provisions of European Union consumer law, you can access the platform for alternative dispute resolution online in the European Union by following this link:

  1. Version and Jurisdiction

This website is subject to Spanish law and in case of litigation or dispute arising from the use of this website, both parties submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the domicile of TECNOPRODIST.COM.

This express submission clause shall not be applicable in the event of litigation with users of the website who, according to current legislation, are consumers, in which case both parties shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the consumer's place of residence.

These Terms and Conditions are dated 26/01/2023 and any changes to their terms will be posted on the website.