M Rejun Pool by Tecno Prodist is a flexible mortar specifically designed for sealing tile and gresite joints in swimming pools, guaranteeing optimum resistance under permanent immersion conditions. This special pool grout provides a durable, waterproof and resistant finish.ideal for construction, maintenance and renovation projects for swimming pools, spas and other structures in constant contact with water.
Special mortar for swimming pool joints
The advanced formula of M Rejun Pool ensures a perfect sealing of the joints, preventing leaks and ensuring the structural stability of the coated surfaces. Its flexibility makes it able to adapt to the natural movements of swimming pools, avoiding cracks or detachments in the joints, even under constant hydraulic pressures.
This product is compatible with a wide variety of materials, such as ceramic tiles, gresite and natural stone, making it a versatile solution for different types of finishes. In addition, its resistance to chemicals, such as chlorine and other pool treatments, ensures long-lasting performance and a flawless appearance at the joints.
M Rejun Pool is easy to apply and work with, allowing for even joint distribution and a professional finish. Its balanced setting time offers flexibility during installation, ensuring that joints are perfectly sealed and level. Once cured, this mortar creates a smooth, resilient surface, ideal for permanent immersion environments.
Among the main advantages of this special mortar for swimming pool jointsThe new waterproofing system is able to withstand the most demanding conditions, such as temperature changes, constant pressures and prolonged exposure to water and chemicals. This makes it indispensable to guarantee the durability and functionality of any aquatic installation.
The use of M Rejun Pool not only ensures the integrity of the joints, but also improves the overall aesthetics of the pool. Its formula allows for a clean and uniform finish, available in white to suit the aesthetic needs of each project, offering both functionality and beauty in a single solution.
In addition, this mortar is environmentally friendly, as it is formulated to minimise its impact during application and prolonged use. Its composition ensures a safe environment for pool users, maintaining water quality without releasing harmful compounds.
M Rejun Pool of Tecno Prodist is the ultimate solution for those seeking a reliable, durable and aesthetically impeccable product for sealing pool joints. Its ability to withstand extreme conditions and its ease of application make it an essential tool for professionals and homeowners who want to ensure optimum performance in their aquatic facilities.
Flexible mortar, sealing of tile and gresite joints in swimming pools, for permanent immersion.
M-REJUN POOL Flexible joint sealing mortar, high adhesion, for swimming pools, pavements, fountains, showers, water tanks, etc. Suitable for permanent immersion (joints from 2 to 20mm).
FIELDS OF APPLICATION, It is a flexible system with high performance in: swimming pools, pavements, fountains, showers, water tanks, etc. High microbiological resistance against algae and fungi, which prevents the proliferation of verdigris on the mortar.
PREPARATION OF THE MIXTURE, Pour ¾ parts of the required amount of water into a clean container, as a reference for 10 kg of product 2 - 3 litres of water, add M-REJUN POOL little by little, kneading it manually or with a low speed electric drill (400-600 rpm) equipped with a mixing disc for approximately 4 to 5 min. until a homogeneous mass without lumps similar to (Greek yoghurt) is obtained. Prepare the quantity of material to be used within the first 30 minutes.
EASY APPLICATION, a trowel or rubber scraper can be slid over the entire surface diagonally to the joints, ensuring perfect penetration and compaction of the material in the joint (for small surfaces it can be applied by hand, always with cleaning gloves, latex gloves, etc) let dry for 15 to 20 minutes and for The cleaning of the edges of the joints can be done with a clean, damp sponge or cloth before the product sets completely, finish with a dry cloth.
PERFORMANCE, In applications of gresite swimming pools with a joint depth of about 2 mm, with 1 kg of product we can grout between 1.5 and 2 m2.
The estimated consumption, depending on the tile and joint dimensions, can be calculated from the following formula:
Consumption (kg/m2 ) = ( (A+B) / (A*B)) * C * D * 1.70 )
A: Tile width (mm).
B: Tile length (mm)
C: Joint depth (mm).
D: Joint width (mm).
Consumption may vary depending on the porosity and irregularities of the substrate and the tile, as well as the application method and the dimensions of the tile and/or tile joint.
TECNO PRODIST is state-of-the-art technology and products, PRODIST GROUP, guarantee of quality.
alvaro -
Olivier Verfaillie -
J'ai une infiltration d'eau dans mon chalet suite à une fissure dans la dalle de béton extérieur.
J'ai agrandi la fissure à la disqueuse et reboucher avec ce produit qui est facile à travailler et sèche après une heure.
Je suis en attente de la pluie pour voir si le produit est efficace, on verra bien !
Je reviendrai mettre un commentaire pour vous dire si c'est efficace ou pas.
Well, I have just applied it and the truth is that I have used it to embellish the joints of the old tiles of my washbasin and so far so good, we will wait to give a more fluent opinion.
Well, as I said, now after so many showers, I can say that the product is very good, and I say this because I have used it in an unusual way and it is still there, it has been a good choice on my part and a great success, I recommend it.
anonimo -
I used it to repair the joints of the tesserae in the pool that had become detached over time. The gaps in the joints were well filled. The delivery was very fast and much sooner than they said. If I have a fault, it is that the note is a bit small and I was a bit short.
Peter -
Relatively easy to apply and has solved the leaks in my fountain.
David Grove -
Easy to mix and apply, seems to have good adhesion
Angel Berihuete -
It is a product that spreads very well with a flexible or sponge trowel and has a very good adhesion.
I cannot qualify longevity as I need a season to check it.
@rico -
Resistant. It was used as a paste to seal a fountain and it does its job, in fact it has already been ordered for the second time.
Produto de boa qualidade fácil aplicar com excelentes resultados, foi reparar piscina ficou como nova.
Maria Isabel Montoto Sanchez -
I prepared the putty intuitively, and applied it, everything well, it has held well, I sanded and painted over it and very well.
José Luis Ventura -
The truth is that I had never grouted tiles before and they were perfect 👏👏👏👏it spreads well and covers the joints very well, then you let it dry a little, wipe it with a sponge and it is perfect 👌. Thanks
Locie -
I have used it in a tiled pool and it has been very easy to use with excellent results with children, regarding the amount of water is as simple as adding little by little until you get the desired texture. I recommend it for the result it gives and because although its price is a bit expensive, the product is quite generous and can cover a large surface area.